Wizard needs coffee, badly.

I’m tired. It’s been a long week and the first time I’ve traveled in almost 30 months. While it was fun to finally meet co-workers that I have only ever known through the tiny square boxes on Zoom and Teams, it was interesting to see how the stimulation of face-to-face interaction just wiped me out.
I’ve written about Rest Day Brags before….
Inspired by those that brag about rest days instead of “epic” adventures, this week I’m leaning hard into it and taking a quick Makoism #restdaybrag.
So I will take this weekend off, rest, and recoup, and I’ll be back next week.
Until then, here are the top 5 makoism’s from the few months.
See you next week on the flip side; well-rested.
Surprising Things About Boredom
"Im bored." If you are a parent, these are the two most dreaded words. Now that I'm writing this, I probably know just as many adults who have a fundamental problem with being bored. Plenty of people can't sit still. They require constant motion, passive consumption (
Mako "Things I Like": 2021
For the last several years (7 to be exact), it's been an ongoing tradition to keep track of and share things/apps/processes that I have found helpful throughout the year. Think of it as my "yearly review" with links and tips for the things that I surround myself with as part of an ongoing attempt to maximize my daily workflow, put me …
I Don't Know
For the last several years, I've kept a commonplace journal in DayOne that I store all sorts of bits and pieces of wisdom that I run across. It could be a favorite quote. Or perhaps an inspiring picture. A random story. A doodle. A word. Whatever goes. The only rule is to make it worthwhile for yourself.
If there were a single word to describe thoughts this week, it would be continuity. While I am not solely referring to this week's outage of Amazon, it amuses me when people are shocked at how interconnected everyday life is to cloud providers. For example, a
Don’t Do It
Anyone else in the same boat? Here we are, a few weeks into 2022, and my calendar is already a complete train wreck. I honestly don’t know what happened; I have systems in place with “blocks,” say ‘no’ to meetings without agendas and decline things that waste time.