Espresso Shots 1-17-25

"I learned that just beneath the surface there's another world, and still different worlds as you dig deeper. I knew it as a kid, but I couldn't find the proof. It was just a kind of feeling." - David Lynch

Espresso Shots 1-17-25
still learning the bottomless portafilter

Here's my weekly update with a few interesting random findings that I came across the last week or two. I am going to try to make sure they're here in time for you to enjoy with your morning coffee (or beverage of choice) every Saturday or Sunday, and include some of my thoughts around them.

Remembering David Lynch

I was incredibly saddened to hear of the passing of filmmaker David Lynch yesterday. A handful of creatives have inspired me to think differently, to look at the world through a different lens. Sometimes, I had no idea what message he was even trying to convey (watch "What would Jack do?"). For others, it was surreal and mesmerizing (see Gotta Light?).

But it was always something unexpected and wonderful.

Brian Tallerico writes, "As a teenager growing up in suburban America in the '80s, 'Blue Velvet' and 'Twin Peaks' hit like a bolt of lightning. Not only did they capture something about the sinister, surreal underbelly of life under the picket fences, but they said something directly to anyone who thought they could be an artist: You don't have to do what everyone else is doing."

Two quotes from him I revisit often:

' We think we understand the rules when we become adults but what we really experience is a narrowing of the imagination'


'Everything I learned in my life, I learned because I decided to try something new.'

Wise words. His vision and insight will be missed.

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Jamie Larson