Edge of Tomorrow
Come Find Me When You Wake Up!

Hi again, I’m Steve Makofsky and this is a semi-whenever list of interesting articles, podcasts and videos that I come across during the week. Hopefully you’ll enjoy it, have something new to think about, and share it with your friends. In case you forgot, this is in your inbox because you asked me to send it to you. You can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.
Edge of Tomorrow (a.k.a. “Live. Die. Repeat”) was one of those movies that I wrote off and never bothered to watch in the theater, and eventually caught on a flight. But holy cow, what a fantastic sci-if adventure that has a sequel in the works.
While this film was nothing short of a box-office flop, I thought it went way deeper than a “fun watch”. Without giving away too much of the plot, it provides interesting lessons around embracing failure, the importance of structure and daily habits and the discovery that tomorrow really is about the exploration of those unknown possibilities. Or maybe I’m just looking for deeper meaning in something that was great popcorn brain-candy.
If you’re interested in my daily ramblings, follow me on Twitter.
This weeks “Deep Links”
My favorite read of the week (and the month) was a look back at “Sixty Years of Green Eggs and Ham”. I had no idea that it came about from a $50 bet - More
Fascinating read on the end of World War II and how the Nazi’s tried to use the supernatural psy-ops propaganda in an attempt to cause terror and demoralize allied troops. Meet the Nazi Werewolves - More
One of the largest known living organisms in the world is a 3.7 square mile, 35,000 ton fungus living in Oregon - More
Brilliant re-thinking of time management and how you should be using your calendar as an “allow” list versus a blocklist. Based on the simple concept of “if you want to talk to me, this is when you CAN”, instead of the norm which is seeing when you CAN’T book someone’s time. I need to experiment more with this - More
In 2020, it’s hard to cut through the “fake news” rhetoric. Personally, I have recently subscribed to The New Yorker and The Atlantic (and will let my New York Times subscription expire). This article goes into the effect of the “paywall” and noticed something was off: the New York Times, the New Yorker, the Washington Post, the New Republic, all have paywalls. Breitbart, Fox News, the Daily Wire, the Federalist, the Washington Examiner, InfoWarsare free! - More
Recent studies on the brain are being used to analyze on you can break bad habits - More
Riot Games published an article that describes how they measure the maturity of it’s development teams based on how they discuss and interact with security teams - More
A look at digital minimalism, and the usage of social media as a platform for conversation- More
Special cell phone SIM cards are used by the criminal underground to spoof any number - More
A whimsical look at understanding your own procrastination style - More
64% of Americans drink a cup of coffee every day, and 55% of all coffee drinkers would rather gain 10 pounds than give up the drink for life. Here’s 37 amazing coffee facts, from one coffee addict to another - More
Ever wonder how vulnerable GPS is? The answer is that it is, and it’s a lot more than you think - More
Between 1999 and 2001 was an Internet “gold rush” which crashed and burned. A great historical look back at the start, the bubble and eventual collapse of scores of companies as the Internet came to life - More
End Thoughts
I’m going to tell you a story. It’s going to sound ridiculous. The longer I talk, the more rational it’s going to appear.