We All Have Icebergs
"Iceberg, right ahead!" - Frederick Fleet

While I've long been a fan of Anthony Bourdain's travel and food shows, it wasn't until he tragically passed away in June of 2018 that I started to learn more about his struggle with depression.
This week, Chris Hannah posted that Bourdain's Tumblr is still available online, and he referenced a post called "Parts Unknown". I dug in, and it really was something I needed to read this week:
Before I set out to travel this world 12 years ago, I used to believe that the human race as a whole was basically a few steps above wolves.
That given the slightest change in circumstances, we would all, sooner or later, tear each other to shreds that we were, at root, self-interested, cowardly, envious and potentially dangerous in groups. I have since come to believe – after many meals with many different people in many, many different places – that though there is no shortage of people who would do us harm, we are essentially good.
Unfortunately, while he was opening up people's minds and stomachs to the world, he also felt an equal (if not greater) weight of the world on his shoulders.
If there's anything that I've tried hard to work on the last few years is trying to assume positive intent and reminding myself that "others aren't thinking about you as much as you think they are." But I had never heard it referenced this before as "Iceberg Situations."
In a post from Jessica Hagy this week:
Sonder: to realize that everybody on Earth is living a life as complicated, intense, and vibrantly unique as your own. It's that feeling you get when you realize that you're not IN traffic—you ARE traffic. Visually, that word is an iceberg: with what we see about other people above the waterline, while what's really happening is submerged below.
Check out her outstanding visuals here.
A good reminder, that just be good to each other. It's the only way we'll get through this crazy thing called life.
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Forward Thinking
There's nothing like the feeling when you find something that connects to your soul. Back in 1989, when Neil Gaiman's comic book series, The Sandman hit the shelves, I was pulled in. Gaiman's stories about Dream of the Endless, Morphius drew me in month after month.
I still have all 75 issues in beautifully kept bags with backings in a box. The Corinthian, described as: "A nightmare created to be the darkness and the fear of darkness in every human heart. A black mirror made to reflect everything about itself that humanity will not confront." still gives me the chills.
In 2020, I wrote about how The Sandman had undertones of hope. Something that everyone needs these days.
But this week, I saw a post from Neil Gaiman which reminded me of the short story set in The Sandman universe called "Death Talks About Life."
Death Talks About Life is a short 'story' PSA designed to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and safe sex that ran in certain Vertigo comics in January 1993 and later appeared as a self-contained, eight-page pamphlet for use in American schools.
After warning the reader that what she has to say may offend those who are 'offended by any mention that human beings have things under their clothes, let alone that they do anything interesting with them,' Death talks about HIV/AIDS: how it's contracted and how the reader can minimize exposure.
While familiar with the short comic, I never knew of this genesis before the tweet. And it's brilliant.
I finished rewatching It's A Sin, and remembered talking to Don Melia about Life and Death and Sandman. He was dying of AIDS at home in Liverpool. This was August 92, a week or two before his death. He made me determined to write a free comic about sex, needles and staying alive. https://t.co/zmDz6woutd
— Neil Gaiman (@neilhimself) June 15, 2022
I am cautiously optimistic about seeing all of The Endless in the upcoming Netflix series starting this August.
Thought(s) of the week
Knowing vs. understanding. pic.twitter.com/Y4GEOTS6Xm
— Visualize Value (@visualizevalue) March 12, 2021
The Roman Empire’s 250,000 miles of road re-imagined as a subway transit map. Created by Sasha Trubetskoy @sasha_trub. pic.twitter.com/PfT6qQsZCG
— Archaeology & Art (@archaeologyart) June 2, 2022
This weeks "Deep Links"
Here are a few of the articles and videos that resonated with me over the last week:
- Wow! I loved this review in the "Career Checkup Template." This (copyable) template is an effective and straightforward way to take a gut check on if things workwise are going in the right direction. I'd say this is also a great one to have a discussion with your personal board of directors about - More
- In a fireside chat this week, I asserted that 'being a storyteller' was one of the top three skills you should always be working on. "Many experiences, few stories" digs into this in more depth, and the thinking behind it struck a chord with me on why it's so important in business and life - 'When we share our essential experiences with others, we open the door to connection. Other people can see us more clearly. We're more memorable and interesting. Our humanity radiates outwards.' - More
- "Minority Report Tried to Warn Us About Technology" is a chilling read about how the film has undertones on what we see today online with personal privacy. In that which are 'Advances in convenience come with insidious restrictions on personal freedom'; dead on. - More
- Another one is on the power of storytelling. "How to use storytelling to nurture your organizational culture" explores how it 'informs team spirit, talent retention, productivity, health & happiness' - More
- In my "no shock, it's 2022" category - "Single beaver caused mass internet, cell service outages in Northern B.C." - More
- When it comes to physical and mental health, most individuals practice "The Dark Art of Pretending You Are Fine." But really, are you? EVERY DAY? It's a good reminder that it's okay to admit to yourself and others that no, you are NOT fine - More
- I try to write daily, so "4 Good Pieces of Writing Advice (That Are Often Misinterpreted)" was interesting. - More
- Spending quite a bit of my career at Disney, I saw the passion and love described in "For some adults who love Disney, it's like a religion." This piece explores why the content/parks/experiences they create resonates so profoundly with so many on an emotional level - More
- I have to say that Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is just outstanding. Easily my favorite new Star Trek in a long time. But did you know that "Captain Kirk's First Adventure Was About Choosing Between Two Friends"? Read more about Gary Mitchell - More
- A wonderful read that dives into "Growth vs Evolution." 'Metaphorically, we want to be a better version of ourselves in the same space we occupy now, without become a giant ego, or an overbearing giant persona.' - More
Last week, I finally saw Top Gun: Maverick. While I wouldn't say "oscar winner," it was an incredibly well-done film and a worthy sequel (if not better than the original). The usage of practice effects instead of CGI for the flying scenes is some of the best I've seen.
But the scene of 'Great Balls of Fire' performance by Rooster, while Maverick (Tom Cruise) reminisces of the time he and Goose played the same song, hits all the feels.
Be well. ✌🏻