The Social Network
The internet isn’t written in pencil, Mark. It’s written in ink.

Hi again, I’m Steve Makofsky and this is a semi-whenever list of interesting articles, podcasts and videos that I come across during the week. Hopfully you’ll enjoy it, have something new to think about, and share it with your friends. In case you forgot, this is in your inbox because you asked me to send it to you. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.
I really debated on whether or not to send out a “Deep Links” newsletter this week, given the heaviness (and hopefully awakening) that the world is experiencing right now. But in the end, I finding writing and communicating somewhat therapeutic, so here we are. This week I spent watching the events unfold in shock, horror and sadness every day across social media and the news. There certainly has been plenty already written; the fact is, it comes down to “action over words”. My own “action” that I need to start immediately is to educate myself; I realize that I am woefully uneducated about many things and had trust in things I shouldn’t have.
On that note, given the ever increasing role Twitter and Facebook has played in our lives, I decided to re-watched Aaron Sorkin’s “The Social Network” (Trailer) this week. In 2020, we find these sources of “news” ever present and are becoming “arbiters of truth” whether they want to or not.
Regardless, many people feel like they can’t escape them; some feel like it’s the only way to stay in touch with people, others are compelled to keep up some form of social presence, some just lurk on there and never post. I haven’t been active on Facebook in years outside of wishing people happy birthday, and will probably delete my account soon as many others have done as well.
Finally, I can’t mention The Social Network without calling out the amazing soundtrack from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross. It’s iconic theme “Hand Covers Bruise” (Listen) still is on my most played “background music” list.
I can’t wait to see if they make a sequel, as the story is far from over.
If you're interested in my daily ramblings, also follow me on Twitter.
This weeks "Deep Links"
Before travel became non-existent, I picked up a GoRuck GR1 and a GoRuck Bullet for my “one bag” carry on; but I have been discovering more around the benefits of rucking - More
Word is that Microsoft is laying off journalists and replace it with AI - never a good idea; last time they let an AI take over, it turned into a racist asshole - More
The 2020 CX Report is out - it’s a fantastical yearly look at the trends in digital transformation. The highlight is that “the Internet has become exactly what Bowie predicted in 1999” - More
I haven’t gotten into the whole ASMR thing, but interesting to see Disney turn classic cartoons into relaxing ambient noises - More
In the “obviously 2020” theme, there is now a bill that would prevent the President from nuking hurricanes - More
Seth Godin, one of my favorite authors, has really been hitting it out of the park this week:
- Maybe everyone else isn’t faking it - More
- Stuck on enormity - More
- I can’t imagine - More
- Consider a gap year - More
I hadn’t heard of the Pareto principle before reading this; but its an interesting technique to use around simplifying your life - More
Mark Manson explores some ways to read and process everything that is going on around him. I found his reminders and way of working through them helpful lenses to look at the world today - More
Apple has spent millions of dollars on automating their production lines; and guess what? It can't match human skill - More
Another look at how the Internet is effecting the very concept of “time” and culture - More
Finally, on the privacy side of things - did you know that printers have almost invisible micro-dots that can be used to identify you? - More
End Thoughts
You are probably going to be a very successful computer person. But you're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.