Book List: 2024

"Books break the shackles of time. A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic." — Carl Sagan, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage

Book List: 2024

Since 2022, I've been fascinated with Umberto Eco's anti-library:

a few savvy visitors realized the truth: Eco's library wasn't voluminous because he had read so much; it was voluminous because he desired to read so much more.

[Your] library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market allows you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly.

There's nothing inherently wrong with that, as long as we've stocked those piles with valuable knowledge — and more of it than we can ever use.

In the same spirit, here are the 45 titles I've added to my anti-library this year. I've been curating lists in as an attempt to support local booksellers, but I'm sure all of these are available at your favorite reading establishment.

The 2024 Book List

Be well!

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Jamie Larson